Unified Advertising Solutions
With Unified Advertising Solutions, media companies can maximize revenue and profits from both linear and digital distribution models. From smarter yield management and inventory forecasting to more effective ad sales strategies and streamlined ad operations, the benefits of unified insights are many and far-reaching.
Multi-Channel Advertising for Greater Impact
But the industry’s rush to embrace new technology has created a tangle of disparate tools and processes that creates silos for audience data, complicating the ability to see the big picture. Siloed data and analytics lead to inefficiencies, revenue leakage, overspending and undervaluing of inventory. This fly-blind approach to ad operations threatens media company profitability and strains relationships with clients.
In this context, the emergence of unified data solutions is critical. Unified ID solutions provide a centralized way to map audience data across multiple platforms and devices using a single identifier—never touching PII. This can be used to enhance targeting and measurement, especially as cookies are deprecated and as new tracking methods are required.
One example is Unified ID 2.0 (UID2), an open source system being developed by ad tech’s brightest minds and supported by some of the industry’s leading demand-side platforms, including The Trade Desk, Prebid and Magnite. This solution uses a persistent, privacy-compliant identifier (such as an email address or phone number) that can be shared between vendors without the need for third party consent. For more information about UID2, visit our dedicated page that offers a wealth of implementation resources and guidance.